Markdown Editor

README files are text type files that use markdown language, and that can be automatically generated when first creating or importing a CUBE project. This files can be used to summarize important information about your model in a formatted way.

Markdown Editor corresponds to the section in CUBE where you can edit the sample file that has been added to your project's directory. To access Markdown Editor, open your file and click on the Edit icon. A panel will open where you can start editing.

Among the formatting elements that can be added to you README file, there are: italics, bold text, colored text and highlighted text, headings, block quotes, bullet points, tables, code and code blocks, images and videos, file references and website references as well. All of this elements need to be implemented using markdown notation while in the Markdown Editor. Use the following as a guideline when formatting your text :

Markdown notation Rendered Output
The # symbol is used to determine the heading level(Headings 1 to 6) (eg. ##Heading level 2)

This is how *italics* are written or _italics_ This is how italics are rendered or italics
This is how **bold text** is written or __bold text__ This is how bold text is rendered or bold text
To change the font color use: <span style="color:#42E41C"> Font color</span>
>This is how blockquotes are written

>>This is how nested blockquotes are written

Bullet points can be written with a single (-,*,+,) before the text and separated by a space (eg. -Bullet point)
  • Bullet point
For tables use:

Phrase or words in `code` are typed like this
Code blocks are indented with four spaces/one tab:
To display an image use the following notation:

![ModelBoundary]( "Model Boundary")

Tip: The sample file can be used as a reference for how to format most of your text.

See the Markdown your project for a guided tutorial on how to edit your project's file